
Avoid Burnout

Worky is the Workspace Essential That Helps Protect from Work Burnout.

For many, technology has blurred the line between work and home. With home workstations commonly visible from various areas of one's home, many struggle with the inability to mentally disconnect. Pulling one’s attention away from the constant sense of deadlines and requests can improve one’s mindset and fuel healthier living.

Worky is the first-ever portable desk in a box: a complete, organized, and instant workstation in a carrying case. Worky opens to instantly reveal the 15 key elements of a productive desk: built-in power and device charging, built-in video conference light, paperwork storage, magnetic dry erase, and more.

Key are two benefits:

Removes from the line of sight: The entire workstation closes in seconds and can be removed from the light of common spaces (under a bed, behind a door, under the couch). Beyond the organization and clutter benefits, users benefit from the home returning to a work-free space. It also removes the Pavlovian response to email pings and team chat alerts. 

Reimagines healthy spaces: Portable means work can happen anywhere. Outdoors, meeting with colleagues off-site, etc. Portable helps one match their work environment to their mental needs. 

Make sure to notice the first signs of stress and take care of yourself without delay. You'll feel better, emotionally and physically, and you'll be more productive, too.